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Include spirit header files. This macro can be used as a script include with Boost.Spirit.

When used with boost::spirit::include(dir) the macro gets expanded to the path of the given directory where all the needed header files are installed. The boost::spirit::include(dir) macro will be replaced by the real path of the header files.

Boost.Spirit uses BOOST_SPIRIT_DETECT_COMPILER_FEATURES to detect presence of some specific C++11 compilers. On these compilers the boost::spirit::include(dir) macro expands to file_path/boost/spirit/include where file_path/boost/spirit/include is the real path of the header files where Spirit is installed.

On MSVC, the macro expands to:

#include <boost/spirit/detail/parse_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi/string.hpp>